Monday, April 15, 2013

Avatars and Adaptations...Shark Attack!

Check out this simple Voki with a scary looking shark, yet a surprisingly cheerful voice, ready to share the definition of "adaptation."  Can you imagine the kiddos trying their hand at these handy Vokis?  Sure, the ones I've produced are sweet and to the point, but isn't that the goal?!  This is a tool that gives children a voice in the classroom, while demonstrating their understanding of content/skills in a creative and succinct manner.  I can only imagine the inevitable squeals of delight...


  1. Voki is a really cool Web tool - similar to the tool Andrea just blogged about called Xtranormal. I've tried using this one, but it's not great with foreign languages. Still, I bet it makes simple activities, like this vocabulary lesson, a lot more exciting for kids!

  2. Voki seems like such a great tool for students to use, although I haven't yet used it myself. I love the fact that avatars can be used for something as simple as giving a definition to something as complex as explaining an idea.

  3. Really like your use of Voki in this example. The avatar of the shark is sure to spark interest in your students to practice some new vocabulary. I agree with you, too. Vokis should be short and sweet. I also think students would enjoy creating these themselves :)

  4. I like how you incorporated your academic instruction into Voki. It will be fun and engaging for your students to learn about word definitions through technology. I love that all of the web 2.0 tools have themes that can be directly related to teaching students.

  5. This is adorable! What a great way to introduce a lesson on adaptation. I haven't played with Voki yet, but after seeing a few people's examples I really want to!
