In a nutshell, students participate in 5 different activities throughout their reading block -- each that can be appropriately differentiated to suit their individual needs. Many teachers over on Pinterest have created some pretty spectacular anchor charts, clearly depicting the expectations for each of the following:
- Read to Self: Students are held accountable for selecting "just right" fit books.
- Read to Someone: Students sit with a partner and practice building fluency and comprehension.
- Listen to Reading: Students listen to books on tape/CD, computer, iPad, or Kindle.
- Word Work: Students play word games and manipulate letters. These are those tried and true center activities that I've seen functioning in many an elementary classroom. I'll admit that plenty of the worksheets/activities/exercises are a whole lot of busy work that result in a towering pile of papers, so Daily 5 limits said activities to only those that are purposeful.
- Teacher Time: This would be your guided reading session.
Based on my own research, many teachers pair Daily 5 with the CAFE program, an acronym for "Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary." These crucial skills then become the focus of a minilesson that spearheads your literacy block. Please take a peak at this website that details FAQs about this program.
If you're interested in Daily 5"ing" your literacy block [Keep in mind. this program is well suited to support any curriculum...I've seen teachers in West Hartford implement it seamlessly with Harcourt's Storytown!], check out some of these resources:
- Daily 5, by Gail Boushey & Joan Moser
- FREE Daily 5 signs
- FREE CAFE signs
- Daily 5 Anchor Charts -- You can "see" exactly what students should be doing at each activity.
- 3rdGradeThoughts' Daily 5 Series: I absolutely adore this teacher who is a Daily 5 guru. The link will take you to a variety of resources she provides, including an explanation of the adorable, yet very practical "Teacher Time Bin" graphic, included at the top of this blog.
Any Daily 5 experts out there? What are your thoughts on this popular approach?